Management of Wild Horses and Burros

Number: 1975-26


WHEREAS, wild horses and burros compete with native wildlife and domestic livestock for forage and water and create serious problems of erosion; and

WHEREAS, wild horses and burros must be managed and maintained in numbers in harmony with the ability of the environment to support them and other desirable forms of wildlife and livestock; and

WHEREAS, current restrictions imposed by Federal law virtually prevent any practical management of wild horses and burros or controls over their numbers;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual convention assembled March 14-16, 1975, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hereby endorses the principles expressed by the National Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Advisory Board:

  1. that the use of properly supervised aircraft be authorized for the effective management of wild horses and burros;
  2. the administering Federal agencies be permitted to dispose of title to surplus animals through sale or donation.