Number: 1991-17
WHEREAS, agriculture is one of the largest industries in the world, and in the U. S.; and
WHEREAS, agricultural practices significantly affect the natural resources of our nation, especially its soil, water, air, wetlands and wildlife habitats; and
WHEREAS, the nation’s public could benefit by increasing the number of farmers deeply concerned for the welfare of our natural resources and who practice good land stewardship; and
WHEREAS, many farmers are good stewards of the land, farmers lacking conservation ethics and who disregard the nation’s finite natural resources tend to overshadow those who practice good land stewardship; and
WHEREAS, farmers with an environmental ethic need to be more widely publicized and their work given greater recognition; and
WHEREAS, historically, communications between the agricultural and the environmental communities have been lacking; and
WHEREAS, the increased number of environmental laws and regulations that are now part of the nation’s farm policy heighten the need for increased communication between the agricultural and the environmental communities to reduce future conflicts and misunderstandings;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation in annual meeting assembled March 21-24, 1991, in Memphis, Tennessee, urges greater cooperation and communication through education and other avenues between the agricultural and the environmental communities, by National Wildlife Federation and each of its affiliates.