Currituck Banks

Number: 1980-46


WHEREAS, the Currituck Banks of North Carolina and Virginia are one of the largest undeveloped Atlantic coastal barrier systems; and

WHEREAS, the Banks support threatened and endangered species such as bald eagle, loggerhead sea turtle, and peregrine falcon as well as nesting habitat for species of special interest such as osprey, least tern, willet and black rail, as well as wintering habitat for an estimated ten percent (10%) of Atlantic Flyway waterfowl; and

WHEREAS, Currituck Sound provides excellent sportsfishing and waterfowl hunting as well as commercial fishing; and

WHEREAS, intensive efforts are being made to fully develop the Currituck Outer Banks for second home or retirement use; and

WHEREAS, negative impacts are occurring to the biological resource due to homesite construction, land fills, and road construction; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Board of Transportation is considering construction of three transportation alternatives which could greatly accelerate commercial development of Currituck Banks; and

WHEREAS, a need exists for protective action for fish and wildlife resources;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 20-23, 1980, in Miami Beach, Fla., hereby calls upon public and private agencies to fully recognize the unique and fragile nature of the Currituck Banks of North Carolina and Virginia and to insure in the adopted plan that protection of the Banks with their wildlife and fisheries be fully assured.