Number: 1979-29
WHEREAS, the trend toward farms during the last decade has been to favor a “Get-Big-or-Get-Out” farming policy; and
WHEREAS, family farms have been in a rapid decline, i.e., people leaving lands suitable for agriculture to people who would develop these lands for less suitable purposes; and
WHEREAS, government policy, both state and federal, has been to encourage the “Get-Big-or-Get-Out” policy and discourage family farms; and
WHEREAS, this policy not only promotes the loss of good agricultural lands but also misplaces our human resources and displaces fish and wildlife;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Wildlife Federation, in annual meeting assembled March 22-25, 1979, in Toronto, Ontario, hereby urges agencies of the state and federal governments to review their attitudes toward family farms and that these agencies should pursue with greater vigor the programs set up to aid and assist these farms to become self-sustaining, more efficient in food production, and promote conservation of land.